Tuesday 11 February 2014

Humanbeings being human

Love Attraction Need Want Lust Desire Power Direction Goals Purpose Drive Incentive Birth Death Heart Charity Forgiveness Pleasure
We are all in it and more. There is this saying: count your blessings one by one and surely you will see you have more than enough.
I want more , bigger, faster, more. These things are what makes us humans , it's what makes people wake up in the morning to go to a job they hate, dress up for people we don't
even like, spend money on take-aways at work knowing very well we don't have enough to eat at home , take up loans to buy nice things , drive cars we can't afford
wear clothes that are above our budget , live in places we can't afford, we have in us the desire to please others , to be seen as doing better than others
in all our achievements and daily tasks of mother hood , father hood etc we all influence other people's behaviours, we have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives and how they treat other people

We wake up every morning
Go to sleep every night
Hoping for something better , working towards more , more and more after more. We come and go . We leave behind memories and people

"Imagine living your life without the fear of being
judged by others. You no longer rule your behavior
according to what others may think about you.
You are no longer responsible for anyone’s
opinion. You have no need to control anyone, and
no one controls you, either. A new dream
Imagine that you have permission to be happy
and to really enjoy your life. Your life is free of
conflict with yourself and with others.
Imagine living your life without fear of
expressing your dreams. You know what you
want, what you don’t want, and when you want it. ~ A new Dream" Nyiko Uncommon Dynamix

One thing we must never lose is hope. Hope makes a bad situation bearable it says everything is gonna be ok . it gives us our tomorrow
inspire someone today , say hi to the uncool kid at school or work , wherever you are . Sit down have lunch with the loner , call your friend whom you havent spoken to in
years and just say hi , everyday we have an opportunity to make the world a better place not just for your children and family but for everyone
leave by principal and morals, don't take the bribe , don't do things because they are popular do them because it's the right thing to do , lets break down the system of the have and have not
we have enough to eat , plenty of water to drink and more sunshine than we can ever need
make the call today to be a better person

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