Monday 13 July 2015

Why we always go back.....

Why would you voluntarily accept someone back in your life knowing very well that they bring only pain and headache.
They make you suffer love.
Every time you tell people that you are in a relationship you know it is a lie because of the price you pay daily to have that person in your life.
Why put yourself in such a mess just to be with someone.
We have become to absent in even our own lives that we are not even satisfied with our self
always searching always planning for the next one.
Most of us are in many relationships at the same time, this is what I mean
you have your so called main and a few others just in case things go bad at home you have others who will take over at a moments notice and you see no shame in such behavior.
We demean our self in order to create a sense of ownership by having all these multi relationships at the same time so we can feel more important because we have alot of people telling us that they love us and we never have to feel lonely or unwanted.
There is always someone who is just a phone call a phone call away to help relieve our loneliness.
I belive most people can't even remember the last time they were not dating or belonged to someone.
We always have to have next, we have people who are on stand by we have people that when our partners have said no, we know they will say yes out of a pure desire to be with us
they will do as we please until they also become unsatisfied with us that they now begin to say no and so likewise we move on to the next one who will say yes.

Friday 3 July 2015

Baby Mama And A Condom

The challenge I feel is that the things I go gaga over are things you have experienced and have no interest in them whatsoever, the baby to me just made a pooo pooo and to you the baby just made a mess. I want us to experience the baby teething, learning how to walk, eating a lemon for the first time and so on.
I am not against dating a single mom, no not at all. I have dated one or two and it's always tricky when you meet their child for the first time and the kid does something stupid and you wanna correct them, I have this nightmare that the kid is just gonna look at me straight in the eyes and yell " You are not my father so you can't tell me what to do" as rude as what the child is saying it's actually true, you have no authority to tell them what and what not to do, so this kinda splits your relationship with the child apart. You want to be in his mom's life and he wants you to respect his dominion, I mean you just came out of nowhere, the child doesn't know who you are and doesn't owe you anything.
I know some idiot will say there are always challenges in relationships but my point here is that this particular challenge could have been prevented. I am not a parent but any man who deserts his child is as useful as an empty wallet. I love children, I really do and I believe children deserve the best out of life as a parent it is your duty to make sure you give them the best of you financially and otherwise.

I love single moms if for no other reason is that they are super independent , they never ask you for anything all they want is your attention and you know lol. Regardless of my rampage no child is a mistake, every child is a precious gift from up above, all i'm advocating for is responsible young adults who are able to wait and do right by their so called "Bae" and babies. Let us all learn to take responsibility for our actions. one common thing I have gathered when asking single moms what happened is this (according to me, I mean this is my blog after all) they say that as they were dating these man , a week in or month or so the guy started not using condoms anymore and they just let him because they thought he had a plan since they were having unprotected sex that the guy knew what he was doing and he had a direction for the relationship.
I will just leave it there since I don't know much about relationships and stuff like that. I mean I am single after all but that scenario up there is just plain crazy!!