Monday 15 June 2015

The Duality Of Life

I want to be rich, I want to end world hunger
I want to be a player, I want to be faithful to a single woman
I want to have wild crazy weekends, I want to go to church on Sunday
I want to eat food that I want, I want to eat healthy
I want to commit, I want to play

I often have this dual dialog in my head about the things I want and how to go about achieving them. I have seen educated man and woman die poor. And I have seen stupid fools accumulate wealth and buying fancy toys. I have seen fathers who have many children and yet they have no responsibility at all. Don't get me wrong any tom dick and harry can send a certain amount of money to take care of their child, that is easy. Where are the fathers who actually see their children growing up and not just spend some weekends with them and take alot of pictures to show us on Facebook. I am very angry at woman and more so at man who leave their seeds behind and make things difficult for us to come and make a home with these woman. Back in the days all I knew was that people who had children were the ones that were married but things have changed.

At some point even thou Tradition seems primitive it  had it's purpose and gave us a sense of direction. Firstly I still believe in marriage and I think it is a beautiful thing and I for one cannot wait until I get married "Hopefully lol"  I say hopefully because in this life time you can never really know. Call me arrogant or whatever makes you feel better about the decisions that have led you to the life you are leading. One of the fundamental things for a child is a sense of belonging. I dont see the healthiness in a child growing up believing their grandmother is their mother and their aunt is their little sister. We need to start taking responsibilities for the decisions that we make. I am not a saint by any means but what is wrong is wrong even if it is popular.

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