Friday 19 June 2015

Are You Ready For A Blessing?

We dream, well most us dream.
We pray and pray some more and fast, well we try to fast for our dreams to come true but in all honesty most of us are not ready for our dreams to be a reality. Let me tell you a little story first.

Once upon a time in a far away land lived a young man who had devoted his whole life to the Lord. As the years went by he got old and came to a decision that he was now very old and wanted to retire. This now old man of God was naturally well off spiritually but he didn't have much money so he decided to ask God to let him win the lottery. He prayed on it for the first month or 3 and nothing happened. A year went by then 2 years past. He in anger shouted to the Lord " Help me win the lotto" and then to his surprise God answered and said: Buy a ticket!!

A lot of us have been knocking in so many doors for so long. A lot of us have been hoping and dreaming of great things to happen in our lives but my question to you is are you ready? Seriously if all your prayers got answered today, right now would you be able to handle them? Ok let's go back to the basics I will give a typical example of the things most people pray for. A young man prays for a beautiful wife, my question to the young man is: Are you ready for commitment? Can you provide for your family? Look at that young beautiful wife of yours are you ready to wakeup next to her till your last dying breath?
To the young woman who prays for a husband: Can you cook? Are you willing to submit yourself to your husband? Will you take care of that man and cherish him?

Look It's all good and well to pray for "Things" but be honest with yourself if the Lord gave you the things you want today are you ready for them?

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