Monday 16 February 2015

Pride and Acceptance

One of the lessons I have learned in my life especially as a man is: Asking for help when you need some.
Most of us are told while growing up that we should not cry, as it is a sign of weakness.
Man don't cry they soldier on.
Even when it hurts they keep marching on
Even when it is painful they keep going
That's what man do.

I remember the day I became a man. I have great relationship with my father and I always looked up to him financially speaking. That is I lived off him, hey don't judge most you still do. Let me get to my point so this one time as I always do, I asked him for some money [ given that he just gave me cash a week back nor less] so my expectations as usual are that his going to drop everything he is doing and go send his baby boy some cash. This is how the conversation went. So I called and asked for cash, he responded with a question, he asked vukosi are you a man? I mean I just turned 20 something so I felt like I was a man, little did I know why he was asking me that question and I replied "yes I am a man". He said " ok, well a man makes a plan " and that was the last time we had a conversation about money. Looking back at event i'm very thankful he did that. I am very thankful that he saw me as a man and treated me like one.

I find it difficult to call my parents, family or friends to ask for help. I have come to rely on myself so much that I for a while didn't seem to value friendships and people around me because I was to dependent on myself for everything and I expected nothing from anyone else.
I stopped calling some people and didn't return some missed calls
I just didn't really find value in keeping in touch basically

I think I kinda missed the lesson my dad was teaching me
As time passed I started "tried" to be more involved in what my family and friends get up to and start being friendly if you can call it that.
Having your financial freedom should not get into your head that you begin to think that you don't need people around you
When you pocket becomes bigger so does your head
You just start being a little selfish and it feels as if you don't really care

I would rather grab a beer with some friends any day than to spend the whole night in a club with bottles and no one to share them with. The girls we meet don't really count, when you don't have money for drinks they don't even see you. The only person i'm in competition with is the man in the mirror the only person I try to be better than is the man in the mirror. We need to start taking care of each other, say hi to a few people, I promise it won't hurt. Get out of your comfort zone and breath the same air as other people.

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