Monday 19 January 2015

In the end....

Save your tears and applause
Save your compliments and criticism
Save your hello and goodbye
Save you hot and cold

It seems as if for all actions there are appropriate reactions
For all the ups there and downs
Seems like good can't exist without evil
For all the positives there are negatives

Words , its amazing how they affect us
If I told you how beautiful and smart your look , you just up like a yoyo with excitement
And if I told you how unattractive and stupid you look , you get angry and reserved
Human beings are like toys , you can put them up or put them down just by saying a few things and they react

Most of us just exist for deaths sake
We just are
We do not lack nor do we want anything more out of life
We are just contemp with just being
Following the trends and traditions that have been put alongside us
Doing things the way they have always been done
Most of us don't want to reinvent the wheel
We don't wanna be the creators, we just want to consume what is there and when it is finished we cry for more
What is this more that we want , we don't really know

First few years of our lives we do everything we possibly can do to avoid hunger and loneliness
We raise children
We seat back and wait for death to come our way
We reminisce on old times and memories shared
All the love ones that came our way and left
All the events and dates that we can never forget

In the end the only thing we all have in common regardless of our culture , religion , age , gender , nationality, qualifications , the only true thing we all truly have in common is death itself

"At the understanding that life is not going to take you back. You are the world you have created. And when you cease to exist, this world that you have created will also cease to exist. But for those with the understanding that they're living the last days of the world, death acquires a different meaning. The extinction of all reality is a concept no resignation can encompass. And then, all the grand designs and all the grand plans will be finally exposed and revealed for what they are."

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