Wednesday 22 January 2014

Changing times

Are you ready ?

Maybe its just me but I have this idea in my mind where I go to school , graduate , get a nice job , townhouse and a car. Meet a girl , pay lobola , have 2 kids . Retire at 50 , then start going to alot of funerals and family parties , basically WAIT FOR DEATH !! Sounds horrible right but that's the plan.

Then I got thinking what if I turned the tables around and did the Not so normal thing.
I mean why not go out at my own pace , why not create my own path , why 2 kids , why a town house , why just 1 wife and a nice car , i want a Jet .

I wanna travel the world , learn at least 10 languages . Not attend any funerals or parties and not invite anyone to mine. Maybe that makes me a loner but I'm tired of pretending , aren't you ? I actually want a genuine smile and a laugh , how many of our so called "friends" actually have the capacity to help you out when your in a jam, will even bother calling you back , talking about calling is it me or people just don't call each other these days , we chat "right. The only time a "friend" will call is when they need a favour . I do call my friends , i think . Been without bis for a month now and my phone is really quiet .

So lets go out with a bang, smile, make the call, reply to that massage, don't just say yes to the invite actually attend, switch of your phone and have a conversation with the people you love, enjoy a meal and actually taste the food.
I am ready.

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